We are on the road...
so far we visited Dicentra farm in Monmouth, Heartaculture in Eugene, and Lost Valley. Our visits have been great! Aside from the farm places, we also visited friends and family in Seattle. Ama's number 1 request was to go to the top of the space needle, so we did.
We played at some of the most amazing playgrounds too. Lincoln Park has this zip line swing that most kids would dream of - at least I did when I was little. A park at the high point in west seattle is where we got to watch fireworks. Meridian park is where I fell of 'death by tongue slide' - our name given to a slide that looks like a tongue. We didnt go to Carkeek park this time, but it is hard to forget a slide that shoots you out of a salmon butt.
Seattle treated us well, and so has eugene... despite the weather. Rain seems to be here to stay for the summer.
Next we will be exploring Bend and sleeping in a tipi there..
then Umpqua Hot springs for a night of camping and soaking
then Medford to help with a friends farm
then off to explore some volcanoes!
other plans include going to the top of LA and the top of the redwoods