I am so grateful.... so so grateful for my crew. my floating village. my loves. my friends near and far who can meet me at a deep level. my friends who are now starting to meet regularly at the t.i.n.e. house.
we started meeting on wednesday evenings to practice deep listening in a circle we were calling forum. I will gather some links about it, but it started out at a community, for the community. A daily meeting to encourage communication amongst people living in the village.
it turns out, its a little weird for some people to do forum without the daily contact of living together. I saw it as a floating village. people would come and go. many participate only once, a few see the value and return weekly.
I see the value whether we live together or not. there isnt much opportunity out there for people to share their feelings, to be seen and heard.
if you live in a community I highly recommend something like this. I think it defeats gossip before it can start... among other important benefits. I have noticed most communities are lacking in gatherings and especially gatherings to be seen and heard.
I like the explanation on this site.