Thursday, October 20, 2011

floating village

I am so grateful.... so so grateful for my crew. my floating village. my loves. my friends near and far who can meet me at a deep level. my friends who are now starting to meet regularly at the t.i.n.e. house.


we started meeting on wednesday evenings to practice deep listening in a circle we were calling forum. I will gather some links about it, but it started out at a community, for the community. A daily meeting to encourage communication amongst people living in the village.
it turns out, its a little weird for some people to do forum without the daily contact of living together. I saw it as a floating village. people would come and go. many participate only once, a few see the value and return weekly.
I see the value whether we live together or not. there isnt much opportunity out there for people to share their feelings, to be seen and heard.
if you live in a community I highly recommend something like this. I think it defeats gossip before it can start... among other important benefits. I have noticed most communities are lacking in gatherings and especially gatherings to be seen and heard.

I like the explanation on this site.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

pop up village

I am always intrigued by any form of community living. Cohousing, ecohoods, apartments, you name it... it, if there is a large number of people sleeping in the same 1 block radius, I get excited. I start noticing the benefits, drawbacks and efficiencies.
When I was at rainbow gathering this summer, I realized why I am not so into these big festivals like burning man. It is a great example of a temporary village, but with all the effort put into creating the systems... why not just stay? * It just feels so non sustainable it literally makes me sick. I get headaches and throw up. seriously.
My excitement this week is about the pop up villages happening all over for the occupy movement. I occupied eugene for awhile yesterday and it was great! Now I know why the group was having so many meetings instead of demonstrations, they were putting the systems in place to camp out for months. They have committees for cooking, sanitation, morale, and probably everything else a community needs. In true eugene spirit they have a focus on love, sharing, and equality.
I might camp out there this weekend.

*I know there is a 14 day limit and or other limitations... but with thousands of people joining together it seems like some solution could come about

Thursday, October 13, 2011

work trading

Since I am not working much yet, and I am not living in a community yet, I have been work trading. It has been nice reaching out and offering to help at a few places around eugene. I worked in the gardens at Eggcentric farm. Today I thinned the carrot patch at Heartaculture and helped leaf mulch an area. Tomorrow I am helping at the tine house. One of the best parts of community living for me is working with people. Its like the tribes who dont even have a word for 'work' because ... well, its just life, and it can be fun.
I hope to work with Blessed Bee pretty soon and I cant wait until I get to milk the cow at heartaculture!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

o wow

What a great trip we had! It morphed into something I wasnt expecting. I thought we were going to visit a whole new list of farms and communities, work trading. Instead, we focused on visiting friends and family from seattle to hollywood. We ....
canoed with jay
planted beans with matt
ate cupcakes with carly
saw dino bones with chris
held bunnies with another chris
cracked eggs with jennifer
played skeeball with didi
ziplined with jessi
chased waves with zoryana
collected crabs with rachel

rode ponies, sled in a trashbag, visited the dawson house, played in arcades, saw Hermione's hand prints, skinny dipped in willow lake, soaked in hot springs, spelunked, hiked to see waterfalls, sat in a covered wagon, and joined every library summer reading program along the way !