Wednesday, February 22, 2012

keep calm and be grateful

many lovely dates
a new cranberries cd is coming out next week
a new Jem cd coming out soon?
many wonderful close connections
difficult conversations
honest reflections
Heart of Now
just dance Wii game at Yogurt Extreme
help with Ama
a new internship/job
patient friends
being accepted at ecstatic dance, even if I dont dance
my flower photos
great roommates
plenty of food
friends who give me chocolate, hugs, kisses, massages, love and compost
winning werewolf
looking glass
ama's school
thank you thank you thank you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Heart of Now

Last weekend I assisted at the Heart of Now weekend workshop. I havent been able to attend the full weekend in a long time. I am so glad I was able to finally. Coincidentally (or maybe not) it was also the most meaningful I have had in a long time. I was having so many realisations, I had to start writing them down. My beautiful friend Kim, led me into exploring what I am scared of. I wrote down a whole page of ideas I can work through so they arent holding me back anymore. I wrote down the contradictions to those ideas... so I can start letting go of them. I heard other peoples stories that helped me make connections to my own life. I opened up. I talked to people. I started conversations even! I got feedback. i got close. I got hugs. I held hands. I listened. I played werewolf!
I am finally feeling the community aspect of Heart of Now! I am so glad to be living here and opening up to my community :)