Sometimes I wonder... if I could just say... "oh, she's autistic"
then maybe I (and she) will get some compassion
some support
a hug
instead of that glare
the glare of negative feelings because Ama has done something wrong in their eyes
I'm so tired
I want support
she wants support
she needs guidance and not just from me
If you are approaching me because she has... yelled at you, grabbed your feet, climbed on your shoulders, ran away, punched your crotch, grabbed your purse, ignored you,threw toast at you....
please consider...
has she had a horrible day?
have I heard 5 complaints already?
have I gotten more than a few hours of sleep?
has she?
has she eaten a home cooked meal this week, or mostly trader joes sushi and peanut butter?
does she have ODD , ADD or some other problem?
and yes, I do want to help resolve these things
but do you think I want you to come tell me how disagreeable and misbehaving she is?
I dont want to be judged
I want to be supported in finding a resolution
tell her how you feel when she does these things
please be patient and treat her like a person
remember you might have to interact with her for 5 minutes, I have her 24 hours a day
She is a great girl, who has unresolved trauma around groups of people. She is much different one on one.
If you consistently set your boundaries kindly, she will respect you and trust you.
she may or may not be diagnosable
i just know she has high needs and I cant do it all myself
and please remember this for any child you encounter who seems unruly or throwing tantrums