Did I already write about the correlation between Ama's happiness with school and whether or not we ride bikes to and from school? Well, she was happy with school until we stopped riding bikes. I am just not hardcore enough yet for a daily commute in cold and or rainy weather.
Her happiness went up a notch the other day...a day that would have been a lovely day for a bike ride, but it just wasnt feasible for a number of reasons. We walked out of the classroom hallway and saw a complete rainbow. A double rainbow arching over a lush park. She wanted to get to the end of the rainbow that appeared to touch ground right past the second tree from us. Instead of arguing, I just said "ok".
As we walked through the park, eventually it looked closer, ending on the bridge over the street. So we kept walking, and the rainbow kept moving. Eventually we were just about half way home (with my car behind us at the school), standing on the bridge, and she realized the rainbow is unattainable.
--this photo was taken months ago when we chased a rainbow in Dexter and discovered the answer to that question "where does the rainbow end?"
In Dexter, lake of course
this photo looks like its from the 70's... is that Ama, or is that...you?