One time I thought I would go to one of those speed dating events. Luckily it was at a coffee shop, so I could pretend to be there for the coffee and not the speed dating if I chose to not participate. Luckily... because... I chose not to. I did however, satisfy what I really wanted to get out of that experience. I wanted practice talking to strangers. Since every table was taken, I chose to ask to share a table. I drank tea, chatted with people who came and went from my table and watched speed dating from afar. Not many people attended. I shouldnt have been surprised because people in Eugene are not speedy and they dont date.
On some things that might be considered dates we talk about how we've never known any polyamorous people until we lived here, or more often than not I am told that the person is not ready for a commitment, or doesnt want to date a mom.
On some things that might appear to be a date, we go out for drinks, go to a movie, hold hands and have nice conversations...well...those werent dates because we decided beforehand that we are just friends.
It can be pretty confusing up here in the land of 'Heart of Now'. I just hope that someday soon I will find everything that I am looking for.