I really want to blog more. My thoughts are so scattered these days, its hard enough for me to even write an email, let alone a whole
coherent blog post. What should I even write about? The thing is...all day, when things are going on around me, I am thinking. Usually I come up with really cool titles to ideas of blogs. I might think of a great sentence here or there. Especially at work. My mind wanders as I am scrubbing walls. Or when I am in absurd situations just observing...I think 'this will make a great blog'. and
that's as far as it goes most of the time. Maybe I could just type my titles. a blog of titles. title of the day. but sometimes a song is the perfect descriptor of my day, or a picture, or a quote. The problem is...when i sit down at the computer...most of it has ....passed.... its in the past.
I like how I can live in the moment in that way.
its frustrating sometimes how i forget what i wanted to say or do
but also
something about it feels more real.more 'power of now'
if i had paper and a pen with me, i could write it in the moment. and rewrite it later. some of my better posts have happened that way. but.i forget to carry paper with me.
I would like to convey the absurd life I live. I feel too scattered these days. My needs for safety and security and support to not feel met. I guess, essentially that does convey in my posts. So, what I really want is to feel back on track, so I can feel settled enough to share my life with whoever is reading this.
I like sharing silly stories and
permaculture lessons and somehow weaving them together.
right now I just feel like a stressed out mom
i think you need an iphone and a twitter account... power of now!