Balancing all these things turns my mind into a 'huckabees' * debate. How can I be humble and receive recognition? How can I work towards big goals without an ego? How do I be proactive AND trust the universe to provide me with everything I need?
Right now the universe thinks I only need a few hundred $ a month, a roof over my head and an angry child.
I know I am exaggerating. I have alot to be thankful for and I wrote a whole list a few blogs ago. Something weird happened after I wrote that though and it threw me in a loop. I was sharing my gratitude, and within hours, it was as if the universe slapped me in the face...like 'ha ha lets see if you like this...lets just take away a few more of those things you are grateful for!'
I will just keep being thankful and keep asking for what I want.
I wanted to acknowledge my photos. A big part of the joy of blogging for me, is to share my photos. I thought I should make it clear that I took all of the pictures that I post. I am proud of them and I am ready to receive recognition for my beautiful photos! :)
*huckabees is my favorite movie (I <3 Huckabees). It is about existential detectives who debate somethingness and nothingness....
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