Sunday, December 19, 2010


What would the tribe do?

After all the learning I have done over the last 6 years, sometimes I feel like ... like... what? An idealistic alien maybe. Does my ideal really exist?
I want tribal living. I want everyone to feel loved and accepted. I want to feel loved and accepted. I want healthy communication. I want people to emotionally support each other. I want to physically live in a tribe of people with the same ideas. I want my daughter, and all kids, to feel loved and accepted.
My bigger question is this, what do we do when a person does not seem to 'fit in' to a community? Sometimes we can tell them to leave. If they are an adult doing something "wrong" enough, we can send them to jail. We can put them on drugs. We can send them to a mental hospital.
What about a child?
What do tribes do? What did they do?
I dont believe in reward and punishment, therefore, I dont believe in jail. I also believe that if we support our children properly, there would be no need for jail. I dont think tribes had 'jails'.
Of course these modern urban 'tribes' are not the same as tribes of long ago... or any tribe that a person is born into and lives with their whole lives. When we throw a bunch of people together with many different life experiences, that s a whole different story. We have to build our own culture, we have to work on our issues, we have to heal our own childhood wounds.

I have this dream of living with an actual tribe with Ama. I want to be immersed in a tribal culture for awhile. Eventually I might go to Africa to do this, but first I want to go somewhere closer. I am very excited because I am pretty sure I will experience a native american tribe with in the next year. It is very exciting and also very scary. I have to overcome some fears of being accepted, among other things, and I know I will still have fears, but I will have to feel the fear and do it anyway.

and just a reminder... I am still working on building my tribe in Oregon. Eventually I want to get land and start a child centered ecovillage

I would love comments, questions,and connections to tribes and villages of any sort!


  1. I love u Leslie. In ancient tribes people did ostrizize individuals , excile them maybe for behavioral reasons and even for physical reasons right? hannah

  2. I have a lot to say, but eyes are sore. Let's talk about this in person when we visit next weekend!

  3. i'm right there with you, the tribe is being gathered here............all it exactly as it should be...........
    beginning to live tribally without the "found" land i have always thought i'd have by now. maybe tribal is a state of mind......? questions i ask myself.....happy almost birthday solstice sister....i feel you you deeply. all of it.

    xoxo marybeth
