They see something in me that I sometimes forget that I have. They see my good-ness. That must be why they love me... my crew, tribe, lovies, community. They have seen, heard and share, my intentions, so when I forget they can remind me.
*being real with people, being in joy with people, being a supportive tribe, living-working-playing together...
I find myself being spiraled into this vortex of community within community. Intermingling with ecovillages, families, tribes, poets, dancers, and gardeners in Eugene; getting more immersed in many circles of friends; creating even more trust and openness with even more people who have a similar vision; people who have similar goals and ideals and are working towards making it happen.
Outside of my happy little vortex, I see lots of craziness. I am peeping out, knowing that if I stick my head out too far, I could get swooped into the crazy vortex at any moment.
but I have an idea
If we keep picturing that ideal life in our heads, and keep working towards it, we dont have to get on the crazy drama train. Maybe we could get on the crazy fun exciting train sometimes.
We can try an experiment. If there is a disagreement in a community, lets just stop arguing and start drawing your vision, or everyone go outside and start sledgehammering the asphalt, paint that room, dig that garden, or sing....cause I dont think fighting is in anyones vision.
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