Tuesday, August 31, 2010

spreading the word

I am getting better at telling people what I am looking for. I need to. A good friend told me the other day that it is much more effective to tell people in person, rather than thru the computer. I would think that the wider audience that can see the info on a blog, FB, email etc, would be more effective. But I guess its too impersonal. who knows. I dont like saying things over and over though. I would rather type something out once. Or when I lived in a community, I would want to say my words at a meeting, so everyone could hear at once. So, I am spreading the word, in person, more and more. Letting the idea of sounding needy, just fall away. We all have needs and I have noticed that the ones who speak up, get those needs fulfilled more often.
I need some land.
I need a hut.
I need help with my angry daughter.
I need a listening ear.
I need hugs.
I need a place to grow some blueberries.
I need a tribe.
I need a village.
Until I get my land and village started....I need a room to rent for 250 or less- and/or worktrade options.
I dont even like that I typed the word need. I guess I have some aversions to the word. I am feeling needy now :/
Does "I want" sound better?
"I prefer"?
Which word is more effective?
Oh, and I forgot 1. A big one.
I need a job.
10-20 hours a week would be fine. I prefer to have some stable income.
Thank you

Monday, August 30, 2010

final summer days

I spent the day on an adventure with Ama. For some reason I had to convince her to go. I ended up missing the turn to go out to the gorge, but quickly realized I could go the WA route. I have never been on that road, so it was nice to see some new spots. We drove over the Bridge of the Gods, into Cascade Locks. Our ultimate destination was the museum at Bonneville Dam. We learned a few things, watched the salmon jumping up the fish ladder, and took way too many pics of the soaring osprey. A lovely little summer get-a-way.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I know...it lasted about 3 days?
I was out doing research most of the day. I rode along the springwater trail, looking at possible locations. I also talked to a few people about my ideas.
There is a very cool spot out where the trail curves north. Along the bike trail they dont have many street signs, so its hard to know exactly where everything is, especially with the diagonal. It might have been around 82 and south of foster. Right in between the path and johnson creek. It might be perfect. It is owned by the city. I think people already squat there. So, in a spot like that, I would want to accommodate the people already enjoying the land and make it legal for them to be there. It should be a win win win situation.
Another spot was closer into town. 32 nd and Roswell to be exact. This is a big plot in the middle of a neighborhood that is not being used. One of us needs to look up info to find out who owns it.
I think I forgot a few people in my last post that lists who we need in the village. Of course- add to it! write comments! let me know that you are reading!
who did I forget?
librarians, marketers, law makers, homeless, students, researchers...

Friday, August 27, 2010

it takes a village...

...to build a village
Who wants to dream big with me?Have you ever dreamed of living in a village? In a teepee like the native americans... a grass hut like africans... or a yurt like a hippie?
We will need to start gathering people who are ready. Doctors, farmers, healers, carpenters, engineers, builders, storytellers, elders, children, caregivers, cooks, grant writers, bankers, hunters, gatherers, electricians, and plumbers.
I envision finding land in or very near Portland. SE Portland, next to the springwater trail and johnson creek. As many acres as we can get.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I want to do something I havent done in awhile...commit. I want to commit to writing here everyday. Just saying that makes me want to say....wellllll maybe every other day. I can commit to that. I think. I should just say everyday. I will write everyday. I have many ideas on this new project and with a goal in mind, I now have more motivation to write. I want to share my ideas with the world (at least the small portion that will read this).
I do hope to write more than this usually. I am tired though.
note to self-write on blog before 1030pm.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a beginning

I didnt think I wanted to start another community. Then I started to wonder if its just my fears holding me back. It's time to dream big and try something crazy. It has worked for me in the past.
I have almost no money, but I will get some land. I have started gathering my tribe and I will work even harder now.
Lets build a village!

to be continued

Monday, August 23, 2010

from 8-22-10

Portland century 2010. I am riding my bike today in honor of Shawn. He was one of those people everyone can instantly love. His heart must have eminated his essence and love of life all the time. I just knew at the time that he could bike ride 30 miles with me, even if I took all day. He could enjoy sitting in my van in a parking lot. He made it fun. He took pictures. He taught me about the osprey. We looked at plants. He did his Michael Cera schtick. We laughed at the calorie counter on the burgerville receipts . We laughed when the worker argued with Ama about 25 cents. He joined the costume bike parade and left with me when I was tired. He helped load all 6 of us and our bikes into the van for a quick getaway. He witnessed the watermelon boat incident TDF 2009. He chilled and watched the sprockettes with us.
It all seems so simple. It is. We can all enjoy every moment of life like he seemed to do. So simple, yet so hard to find... a person who holds no judgement, loves life, who can just jump into your life for a moment or a day or a weekend, with no expectation ... just pure love.
For the benefit of all beings, I will joyfully ride today, holding your essence in my heart.

Friday, August 20, 2010

how sweet it is....

I seriously need to document my life more often. I will try to describe the most recent random encounter.

I was innocently laying on the sidewalk in the front of the house, soaking up the warmth. Letting go of the ideas passerbys may have. 'How weird, why is that girl laying on the ground, she is so weird'. It felt too nice to care too much about what people could be thinking.
A car pulls up, running over the curb a little...with the tunes 'red red wine' pouring out of the window. The man runs out jokingly yelling 'is she ok, does she need cpr?' He ran all the way over to me and does a re enactment of a chest push, and runs away congratulating himself for saving me. I am laughing at the absurdity.

A few minutes later he comes back and asks me what I am doing living in this house. Why am I letting the garden die. When am I going to get back on track. We have a short erradic bunch of conversations. He gives his advice, yet when I ask for clarification it is not given. He is a drug addict he divulges, so his money goes to that. All of his insights make 100% sense except for when he tells me to do drugs...for the benefit of my child. I tell him that I dont even take tylenol anymore and never have done other drugs. I would have liked more of an explanation on that advice. I am not convinced. His answer was something about me being stronger than everyone..so I can show them...
In the 5 minute interaction (if that) he told me that Ama will be bigger than I can even imagine in this world. She takes on the role of protective mother. I need to get back on track. I need to be doing more. I need to be there for Ama no matter what. I need to do it all for her. Nothing is about me.
-oh that is so frustrating to hear sometimes, with my need for freedom!
The only thing he was off about was drafting. He said 'you need to get back into drafting'. I have never really been into drawing architecture.
Ama rolled by on her bike and said 'do you know him?' He said something about how do we get to know people if we dont start talking. She said something back and he said, oh shut up. I warned him not get her started cause she will fight right back.

As quickly as he came, he got into his mercedes and rolled off into the distance....'how sweet it is to be in love with you'

Monday, August 9, 2010

universe seems more trustworthy in Eugene

I feel like I need to write but Im not sure what to write about. I am back in Eugene, it seems like a good place to rest and go with the flow. Ama is with her other grandma, so I got a few days off. It is nice experiencing Eugene however I want. It is nice to get a full, uninterrupted, night of sleep. I keep waking up at 5am, feeling like I could get out of bed for the day...but...I could also go back to sleep.
Maybe its time for a grateful post. I was flooded with gratefulness the other day, so here is a list...
I am grateful for...
a place to sleep in eugene, my car, my ability to crochet, helping Robin with his jewelry booth, discussing life with Mike, a Koskay hug, Samba JA, cupcakes, email responses, phone calls, upcoming Duniway interview, mochas, my bike Gertie, Anastasia, new pink bloomers, icosa huts, freedom, building my tribe, the game of Life, visitors, safe travels, honest reflections, real conversations, being asked questions, cds from Noriah, not living near the whiteaker block party, new friends, old friends, Ama, freeboxes, and learning.
I am ready to go read my book now.