I know...it lasted about 3 days?
I was out doing research most of the day. I rode along the springwater trail, looking at possible locations. I also talked to a few people about my ideas.
There is a very cool spot out where the trail curves north. Along the bike trail they dont have many street signs, so its hard to know exactly where everything is, especially with the diagonal. It might have been around 82 and south of foster. Right in between the path and johnson creek. It might be perfect. It is owned by the city. I think people already squat there. So, in a spot like that, I would want to accommodate the people already enjoying the land and make it legal for them to be there. It should be a win win win situation.
Another spot was closer into town. 32 nd and Roswell to be exact. This is a big plot in the middle of a neighborhood that is not being used. One of us needs to look up info to find out who owns it.
I think I forgot a few people in my last post that lists who we need in the village. Of course- add to it! write comments! let me know that you are reading!
who did I forget?
librarians, marketers, law makers, homeless, students, researchers...
i love that you are so passionate about this! :) jj