I am getting better at telling people what I am looking for. I need to. A good friend told me the other day that it is much more effective to tell people in person, rather than thru the computer. I would think that the wider audience that can see the info on a blog, FB, email etc, would be more effective. But I guess its too impersonal. who knows. I dont like saying things over and over though. I would rather type something out once. Or when I lived in a community, I would want to say my words at a meeting, so everyone could hear at once. So, I am spreading the word, in person, more and more. Letting the idea of sounding needy, just fall away. We all have needs and I have noticed that the ones who speak up, get those needs fulfilled more often.
I need some land.
I need a hut.
I need help with my angry daughter.
I need a listening ear.
I need hugs.
I need a place to grow some blueberries.
I need a tribe.
I need a village.
Until I get my land and village started....I need a room to rent for 250 or less- and/or worktrade options.
I dont even like that I typed the word need. I guess I have some aversions to the word. I am feeling needy now :/
Does "I want" sound better?
"I prefer"?
Which word is more effective?
Oh, and I forgot 1. A big one.
I need a job.
10-20 hours a week would be fine. I prefer to have some stable income.
Thank you
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