Thursday, March 12, 2009

is that a hardcore hippie or a draft from the compost pile?

Permaculture principle number 6 : produce no waste. Our bodies naturally produce waste everyday and we can close the loop by using this great resource. Many people dont know that urine contains valuable nitrogen that our soil and plants need. Even less people actually choose to use it, and instead flush it down the toilet...which then, wastes more water and other things. So, most of us here, pee into buckets... or in the forest... or right into the compost pile.
On a sunny day last week, we sat outside to eat our lunch, and a disturbing smell wafted by. I eventually asked if R recently poured out the pee buckets into the compost. The land interns said maybe, but he also fertilised the apple trees with the buckets that morning. M said " oh I thought that smell might have been a hardcore hippie."