Something has happened here, where freedom and independence has turned into isolation. I think there are many -too many- people out there who can go through a day and not talk to anyone. Many more people are going though days only talking to a few select people. And how much of that talk is meaningful?
I also think some of the most isolated people are moms. I can remember many days when Ama was a baby, when she was the only person I talked to. It can literally make a person crazy. Sure, I took her to storytimes, classes and on errands, but conversations at those places dont usually get too deep. I was doing my best, but I dont think she learned very good social skills from these things. I have never claimed to be a good person to learn social skills from! As she got older and started causing more "trouble" , I wanted to be even less social. I cant bring a child who hits on a playdate can I? Eventually I learned that if I didnt bring her to playdates then how would she learn not to hit? I made that realization but didnt know I had much bigger issues to overcome. -thats another story-
This is a viscious cycle and a huge oppression to overcome.
I am trying so hard to beat my isolation tendencies and gently help others at the same time.... and it is so hard for me. I am not outgoing, I have been considered extremely shy for parts of my life, and my parental self esteem seems pretty much gone. I am trying. Everything I have learned has been pointing me in this direction. I want to try harder, even if people might think it's weird.
If I invite you to dinner.... remember how hard it can be to have someone in my space.
If I bring my child to an event.... trust that I know she should be there.
If I come to your event.... understand my quiet nature comes from fear and/or contentment.
If I invite you to come live in my village.... tell me your ideas, and ask about mine.
If I invite you rollerskating, trampoline jumping, or to a party in the Fred Meyer lounge on Hawthorne.... (I hope you come)
whatever it is
know that I am doing my best to break the isolation patterns that are too common in society.
you're so awesome, Leslie! thank you for trusting the universe enough to put your fears and loves into words, for all of us to relate to and ahare in... love!