I guess its that time to claim I will do something different this year. Dont get me wrong, I know I will do things different. I know I will get better and better everyday, but will I really become a highly effective person this year? Am I already highly effective? I know I am highly efficient when I actually do things, sometimes.
There are so many things I could put on a list of resolutions. And now I can even put the number 1 American NYE resolution on there since it looks like I have gained a few pounds. The idea that keeps swirling around me in conversations is that I should pick 1 thing to focus on. 1 thing that would possibly cover most of the things on a list... like cultivate happiness, meditate, love, or support. They even suggest choosing 1 word to encompass it all.
maybe mine should be focus.
I have been focusing on 1 theme in the last few weeks, since burning what I want to let go of in the Solstice fire.
It still seems a little vague and wordy though.
It has to do with building my support network. I need to do some work on the wording and specifics. But this is still outside of myself so I want to use some of the resolutions that my teacher gave me at Buddha church... meditate every day.
maybe my word should be clarity
Do I have to pick 1 word?
Pick as many words as you want that fit to your goal! <3