I just wanted to write a quick note before work. I am sitting here with my marshmallow topped mocha, reading emails, checking my horoscope, sending out some facebook love...
Thank you to my friends who have sent some very useful advice and words of encouragement. I like getting feedback from others on how I can improve.
I am also excited. My horoscope yesterday said that I need to be around people who can help me save the world 1 person at a time. That sounds perfect. That sounds even better than my older saying that was saving the world one jar at a time (my other blog) because ultimately it does come down to saving each person.
I dont mean I am trying to "save" people. I mean it in an activist type of way. Or in a way of helping people find joy,and happiness... helping people 'wake up' to what is happening in the world and what is happening with themselves. Or helping 1 parent at a time, so they can help one child at a time.
Todays horoscope was about how busy my life will be getting. that also sounds about right. I have been getting more proactive and effective with scheduling. I have a calendar right here next to me even! I have something going on for the next week straight... multiple things in each day. I am having dinners, going to dances, lunches, playdates and maybe even a concert.
I could write so much more on these topics ... but for now I need to go to work :)
The sleepers must awaken! Wishing you success in your mission, traveling activist mom. I feel stronger in my own mission knowing that there are others like you walking similar paths :)